Anyway, no cavities for her, she looked great. I knew I had a filling that was breaking down, and I still have to get that done, but they said they found a little cavity between two of my teeth. Dang it. They were trying to show me on the Xrays, "See? Right there?" Uh--no.
Then we came home, had lunch and caught a nap. Even I passed out on the couch for a bit. Next thing I know, Peanut is downstairs, playing near me, and I wake up and see that she had given me her kitty to sleep with. She's such a sweet baby. She then laid down with me, snuggled in really good and said "little cozy". Sigh~good day. :)
I have to take DS to the dentist. I never have and he is 2.5... bad on me since I just found out he gets 2 free cleanings a year. I hope he is brave like your little one!